Monday, July 26, 2010

Hello friends,

John 15:12-13, "This is My commandment, That you love one another, as I have loved you. Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."
In thinking about these verses, I began asking myself what does it look like to daily lay down our lives for one another? I began to imagine what it would look like to the world for them to witness this type of love. The God kind of love that thinks of others first, and looks out for the interests of others first. This kind of love is the first fruit of the Spirit. It is the first evidence that we are truly His children. It refuses to say or do anything that may harm another. The God kind of love works no ill. It is the refusal to participate in gossip in any way; for gossip does harm to others. The God kind of love is unconditional and not based on what others have done for us or to us or have not done for us or to us.
His love is amazing and has been shed in our hearts. So we have the ability to love others the way He loves us. The key here is the "way" He loves us!!! As we obey Him in our love walk; it will glorify Him and draw others to Him. The world will know we are His disciples (followers) because of our love for one another. I desire to live for His Glory by walking in His love!!
I tell my children all the time, let others see you loving each other. Let's not fight, it is not attractive to others. The fruit of the Spirit is attractive! It looks good! Let's live for His glory!

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